Annual Meetings – 14-20 October 2019 Washington D.C. Registration Now Open

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Washington D.C., Wednesday, 2nd October 2019 – Registration for the World Bank Annual Meetings is NOW OPEN. The meetings and related events, seminars, and meetings will be held in Washington, D.C. from Monday, October 14, through Sunday, October 20.

To attend the Annual Meetings, all working Press must obtain Annual Meetings credentials. Requests for media accreditation will be denied if applicants cannot establish that they are professional journalists.

To be accredited, journalists must have valid press credentials issued by national or local authorities; or clear evidence that they are on assignment from a specific news organization or publication. This applies to all freelancers, including photographers. A valid assignment letter from that news organization, or publication, is required. Photographic agencies must provide clear evidence from a client news organization or publication.

If such credentials are not held, or are in question, it will be at the discretion of the WBG/IMF to determine whether access to the Annual Meetings is granted.

If you have any questions about Press registration or other information related to Press, please forward your inquiries to [email protected].​ (Details:

Press registration is now open and will close on October 19, 2019.

Issued by:

Eric Mwanza
First Secretary – Press & Public Relations
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Washington D.C.